The new Library and Parks & Recreation Building is three stories tall. The exterior architectural aesthetic of this facility is still in very early development, but it will ultimately be a dynamic and vital civic presence for South San Francisco.
The building takes advantage of a 25-foot grade change from El Camino Real across the site to Antoinette Lane. There are two main entry points into the building; one is into the lowest level at the center of the building from the park side, and the other is on the mid-point of the second level from the public sidewalk along El Camino Real. Both entrances will be ADA accessible.
The planning concept for the lowest level is dedicated to large events and gathering spaces to the east (to the right on the images), and structured parking on the west (to the left on the images). The most active spaces are located on the second level. The third level consists of a marketplace for popular library items, adult collections including reading areas and shared administrative offices.