Basis of Building Design

The following are design concepts and parameters for the Site Master Plan Option, as selected by City Council on August 22, 2018: 

  • Create a civic and welcoming presence for the City of South San Francisco at the northeast corner of Chestnut Avenue and El Camino Real. 
  • Showcase the Library and Parks & Recreation building along El Camino Real with a building size of approximately 75,000 square feet.
  • Provide site improvements for public use such as outdoor fitness programs, informal seating areas, cycling along Centennial trail, and enjoying the trees and landscape. 
  • Build the 34,000 square feet needed to provide all Parks & Recreation services, so they can relocate from the seismically unsafe Municipal Services Building.
  • Build the 5,000 square feet needed for the new Community Theater / Council Chamber to relocate from the seismically unsafe Municipal Services Building – to be constructed only if funding allows.
  • Build the 39,000 square feet of Library to relocate from Orange Avenue and expand their existing services.
  • Provide approximately 100 structured and 120 surface parking spaces.


  • Build the 43,300 square feet needed to provide all Police Department and public safety services to relocate from the seismically unsafe Municipal Services Building. Elements in the program include:
    • 911 Emergency Center
    • Administrative Support Services and Records
    • Investigations
    • Property & Evidence
    • Patrol
    • Physical Training
    • Classroom Space
    • Firing Range
  • Design the 8,826 square feet Fire Station with the other projects, however it will be built in a future phase when the Municipal Services Building (MSB) site is sold to a developer/interested party. Timing of this is to be determined. Elements in the program include:
    • Three apparatus bays
    • Living and dining areas
    • Sleeping quarters

Building Image and Site Design

The building design will reflect the values of the South San Francisco community including a welcoming civic presence, accessibility for all, intergenerational, and a fun and exciting place for the whole family.

  • The massing of the building will create openings so that pedestrians can access the site amenities from El Camino Real.
  • The main building will be two stories above structured parking.
  • The building façade facing El Camino Real will highlight the building's interior functions, engaging people passing by and encouraging them to visit the site.
  • The building façade on the north, open to the Campus site, will maximize opportunities for windows to overlook the surroundings and open views to the northeast.
  • Open Space will provide areas for gathering, informal seating, and cycling along Centennial Trail.
  • An iconic Community Theater / Council Chamber will be designed and bid separately. It will be constructed, if funding allows, at the northeast corner of Chestnut and El Camino Real.


The cost estimate of the project is $210,000,000.

Summary of the Base Project Breakdown

  • Preconstruction Costs ($34M)
    • Cost includes the design of the Fire Station
  • Police Department ($56M)
  • Library and Parks & Recreation ($120M) 
    • Campus Site
    • Community Theater / Council Chambers 

Summary of Phase 2 Construction Costs 

  • Fire Station (in Q2, 2019 dollars): $15,000,000
  • Campus Canopy (in Q2, 2019 dollars): $9,000,000

Preliminary Funding Plan

  • Measure W Revenue Collected $71.4M
  • Measure W Bond Proceeds $115.0M
  • Asset Seizure $2.2M
  • PEG $1.0M
  • City Public Safety Impact Fee $1.0M
  • City Library Developer Contributions/Project Read $0.7M
  • Infrastructure Reserves $2.5M

This leaves a funding gap of $16.2M. Grants, donations, and other sources will be identified to fill the funding gap. The funding plan will need to be finalized before award of a construction contract.

Note: In addition to the funding identified above, Measure W revenues will also pay for Bond Proceeds, including interest, cost of issuance, underwriter’s discount, insurance and surety policy premium, equaling approximately $167M.